Stable jurisdiction located in a solid and fast-growing economy. No influence/control from US or European watchdog organizations. Tax exempt from all UAE taxes / DTAA with many countries.
Company Status
International Company (Limited or Incorporated)
Corporate legislation source
Ras Al Khaimah International Companies Registry Regulations 2006
Company name
No similar names permitted. Certain sensitive words such as Royal, Imperial etc. that implies patronage of the United Arab Emirates are not permitted
Time taken to incorporate
2 to 3 days
Are shelf companies available?
Usual minimum capital
No capital requirement
Capital Duty
Minimum number of shareholders
Are bearer shares/shares of no par value possible?
Directors: minimum number/corporate: directors allowed/location
One/Yes/No Restriction
Secretary: mandatory/corporate Resident: secretary allowed/location
No/Yes/No restriction
Is there a requirement for a Registered Office/Registered Agent?
Is any information required by the authorities prior to incorporation or prior to tax status being granted?
Basic identifying documentation is required on behalf of actual persons incorporating (passport copy, bank statement, etc) or legal persons (certificate of good standing, bank statement, etc)
What information is available on the public file?
What documents must be kept at the Registered Office?
List of bearers of bearer shares, basic company formation documents (copy of formation certificate, Articles of Association, Memorandum, etc)
Corporate books & seal
Corporate books and Seal required (but largely customary)
Are accounts required/filed?
The directors of every company shall prepare accounts for a period of not more than 18 months beginning on the date the Int. Company was incorporated or, if the International Company has previously prepared a profit and loss account, beginning at the end of the period covered by the most recent account.
Is an annual return required?
Where are meetings to be held?
No restrictions
Annual fees payable to the government: Tax/Annual Return Filing Fee
Renewal fees for the company are payable after a period of one (1) year after the date of incorporation
Are there any exchange controls?
Double tax treaties
Algeria France Mozambique Syria
Armenia Germany New Zealand Tajikistan
Austria India Pakistan Thailand
Belarus Indonesia Philippines Tunis
Belgium Italy Poland Turkey
Canada Korea Romania Turkmenistan
China Lebanon Singapore Ukraine
Czech Republic Malaysia Spain Yemen
Egypt Mongolia Srilanka
Finland Morocco Sudan
Restrictions on Activities

No International Company, which is incorporated under these Regulations, shall:

  1. carry on business with persons in the Zone; or
  2. carry on any other business which may, by regulations made by the Authority, be prohibited by the Authority;
  3. carry on banking business in the UAE or the Zone; or
  4. carry on business as an insurance or reinsurance company, insurance agent or insurance broker in the UAE or the Zone.

An International Company shall not be treated as carrying on business with persons in the Zone by reason only that:

  1. it makes or maintains professional contact with legal consultants, accountants, management companies or other similar persons carrying on business within the Zone;
  2. it maintains books and records within the Zone;
  3. it holds within the Zone meetings of its directors or members; or
  4. it holds a bank account in the Zone for the purpose of conducting its routine operational transactions; or
  5. it holds assets in areas of the Zone designated by the Authority

If an International Company wishes to conduct trade or other business outside the Zone but elsewhere in the UAE, it must obtain the appropriate licence to conduct the trade or other business activity from the competent authorities in the UAE.

An International company shall be permitted to hold a bank account in the UAE for the purpose of conducting its routine operational transactions.

If an International Company wishes to conduct banking or insurance business outside the Zone and the UAE, it must ensure that it is appropriately licensed by the competent authorities in the relevant jurisdiction. Neither the Authority nor the Zone shall have any liability in respect of its failure to do so.